SHELP: What are students missing?

Bridging the Gap:

How Shelp Provides College Students with Support, Financial Opportunities, and Engaging Activities.

Embarking on the college journey is an exhilarating and transformative period for young adults, offering a myriad of new experiences, personal growth opportunities, and academic challenges. However, college students often grapple with various difficulties, such as finding adequate support, managing finances, and engaging in fulfilling activities. Shelp is here to bridge that gap and enhance the overall college experience. In this comprehensive blog post, we'll delve deeper into the struggles college students face, examine their root causes, and explore how Shelp can provide valuable resources and opportunities to promote personal and professional growth.

The Struggles College Students Face:

Seeking Academic Support:

Navigating the academic landscape in college can be challenging. The increased workload, heightened expectations, and the need for self-directed learning often leave students needing guidance and support. Despite the availability of tutoring and counseling services on campus, many students find it difficult to access these resources due to limited availability, scheduling conflicts, or feeling hesitant to seek help. This lack of academic support can lead to poor performance, increased stress, and a diminished college experience.

Managing Finances:

The costs of tuition, housing, books, and other expenses can strain college students' finances, leading to financial stress and affecting their overall well-being. Balancing part-time jobs with academic responsibilities can be challenging, and many students struggle to find flexible work opportunities that align with their skills, interests, and schedules. Moreover, traditional part-time jobs may not provide enough income to cover all college-related expenses, further compounding the financial challenges students face.

Finding Fulfilling Activities:

Although college life offers various extracurricular activities, clubs, and events, not all students can find the time or the right opportunities that fit their passions, schedules, and personal goals. Additionally, the sheer number of available activities can be overwhelming, making it difficult for students to identify and commit to those that align with their interests. This can lead to feelings of boredom, dissatisfaction, and disengagement, which can negatively impact overall well-being and academic performance.

Building a Supportive Social Network:

College students often face the challenge of building a new social circle in an unfamiliar environment. Forming meaningful relationships and finding a sense of belonging can be difficult, especially for those who are introverted or struggle with social anxiety. A lack of supportive social connections can exacerbate feelings of isolation and loneliness, hindering students' ability to cope with the various challenges of college life.

How Shelp Can Help College Students:

Providing Tailored Academic Support:

Shelp connects college students with skilled and reliable Shelpers who can offer tailored assistance in various areas, including academic tutoring, research guidance, study skills development, and even subject-specific mentoring. By offering a convenient platform to find help, Shelp empowers students to seek the support they need without hesitation, fostering a positive and successful college experience.

Offering Flexible Financial Opportunities:

By becoming a Shelper, college students can earn money on their own terms, choosing tasks that suit their skills, interests, and schedules. This flexible work opportunity allows students to schedule their time effectively, striking a balance between academic responsibilities and earning an income. Moreover, by participating in a wide range of tasks, students can diversify their income sources and develop valuable skills that can benefit them in the future job market.

Connecting Students with Engaging Activities:

For students looking to fill their free time with meaningful pursuits, Shelp offers an extensive range of tasks and projects to get involved in. By connecting with others in the Shelp community, students can discover new passions, develop valuable skills, and participate in enriching experiences that complement their academic pursuits and enhance their college experience. Shelp's platform enables students to explore a variety of opportunities, from assisting with event planning and community outreach to collaborating on creative projects and providing peer support. This diverse range of activities ensures that there's something for everyone, helping students cultivate a well-rounded and fulfilling college experience.

Facilitating Social Connections and Networking:

Shelp provides an opportunity for college students to connect with like-minded peers and build a supportive community. By offering and seeking help within the platform, students can form meaningful relationships that enhance their college experience, create lasting connections, and expand their professional network. Shelp fosters a sense of belonging and camaraderie among its users, helping to alleviate feelings of isolation and loneliness that some college students might experience.

Promoting Mental Health and Well-being:

Through Shelp, students can access mental health support, personal coaching, and stress-management resources from experienced Shelpers. These professionals can offer guidance on managing academic pressure, balancing personal and social life, and practicing self-care, empowering students to maintain a healthy balance during their college years. By connecting students with the right support resources, Shelp actively contributes to improving mental health and well-being within the college community.

Enhancing Professional Development and Skill-building:

Shelp also provides college students with opportunities to enhance their professional development and acquire new skills. By participating in various tasks and projects, students can gain practical experience, build their resumes, and develop competencies that will be valuable in their future careers. Shelp serves as a platform for students to explore different fields, learn from experienced professionals, and prepare for life beyond college.

Encouraging Community Involvement and Volunteering:

In addition to paid tasks, Shelp promotes community involvement by offering volunteer opportunities and projects that contribute to the greater good. By participating in these initiatives, students can develop a sense of civic responsibility, enhance their interpersonal skills, and make a positive impact on their community. This not only enriches the students' personal growth but also contributes to creating a supportive and engaged college community.


Shelp is committed to helping college students navigate the challenges they face during this critical phase of their lives by providing access to academic support, financial opportunities, engaging activities, and a supportive community. By empowering students to thrive both personally and professionally, Shelp plays a vital role in shaping well-rounded and successful individuals who are better equipped to tackle the challenges of college life and beyond. Join the Shelp community today and discover how we can help bridge the gap for college students everywhere, fostering success, happiness, and personal growth.


Navigating the Gig Economy in College: A Student’s Guide to Using Shelp